DADT Vote Live Blog: DADT is REPEALED!!!

I just wanted to update you on two Senate votes that are really important.  The first, is the DADT vote and the second is the Child Marriage Bill.

First, the DADT has been repealed.  It got 8 votes from Republicans.  We’ll be adding links to the coverage as they become available.  Be sure to check back in!!  You’ll see we’re adding more as you read!!

Also, there is a bill that would help the State Department stop the exploitation of teenage girls who are damaged for life by early marriage.  The grandstanding around this is just getting ridiculous.  The Jane Crow Law set is trying to turn this into an abortion bill, of all things!!!

Here’s the status on the Child Marriage bill (S. 987)  from Post Partisan at WaPo.

In case you missed it, S. 987 (The International Protecting Girls by Preventing Child Marriage Act) failed to pass last night. Despite unanimously passing the Senate, it only garnered a 241-166 majority in the House. Since House rules were in suspension, the bill needed a two-thirds majority to pass.

Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), who sponsored the bill, had a blunt response in a late-night press release:

The action on the House floor stopping the Child Marriage bill tonight will endanger the lives of millions of women and girls around the world. These young girls, enslaved in marriage, will be brutalized and many will die when their young bodies are torn apart while giving birth. Those who voted to continue this barbaric practice brought shame to Capitol Hill.

His frustration makes sense: the corresponding House Bill had 112 co-sponsors! What the heck happened?

In the hours before the vote, Republicans circulated a memo to pro-life members of Congress alleging that the bill could fund abortions and use child marriage “to overturn pro-life laws.” It also reiterated concerns over the bill’s cost. When it came time for a vote, a number of the bill’s pro-life supporters in both parties abandoned ship. Even co-sponsors of the corresponding House bill (H.R. 2103), like Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio) and Lee Terry (R-Neb.), voted against it.

Time for the facts. First of all, S. 987 is short–the body of the bill is around ten pages long–and does not mention abortion (“family planning” isn’t in there either). A quick read suffices to show that the bill is not dealing with abortion.

The lives of teenage women are at stake.  How is this not more important than inventing abortion charades?

The Senate just passed the Bill To Repeal DADT by 65-31. CSPAN is showing the results now and Lieberman is giving the presser.

Here’s the coverage from CNN.

Here’s the coverage from NYT.

The Senate on Saturday struck down the ban on gay men and lesbians serving openly in the military, bringing to a close a 17-year struggle over a policy that forced thousands of Americans from the ranks and caused others to keep secret their sexual orientation.

By a vote of 65 to 31, with eight Republicans joining Democrats, the Senate approved and sent to President Obama a repeal of the Clinton-era law, known as “don’t ask, don’t tell,” a policy critics said amounted to government-sanctioned discrimination that treated gay and lesbian troops as second-class citizens.

Mr. Obama hailed the action, which fulfills his pledge to reverse the ban. “As commander in chief, I am also absolutely convinced that making this change will only underscore the professionalism of our troops as the best led and best trained fighting force the world has ever known,” Mr. Obama said in a statement after the Senate, on a 63-33 vote, beat back Republican efforts to block a final vote on the repeal bill.

The vote marked a historic moment that some equated with the end of racial segregation in the military. It followed a review by the Pentagon that found little concern in the military about lifting the ban and was backed by Pentagon officials as a better alternative to a court-ordered end.

I will be thrilled to see the President sign this policy change.  Finally, a few people do the RIGHT thing!!!  Thanks go out to Joe Lieberman and Susan Collins and to Harry Reid who made this a stand alone, up and down vote.  Senators Gillibrand and Levin also played important roles.  It’s great to get rid of this unjust policy!!

Here’s something from The Hill on the bill itself.

The repeal measure requires the president and the secretary of Defense and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to send a certification to Congress declaring they have considered the recommendations contained in the Pentagon Working Group report on repealing “Don’t ask, don’t tell.”

They must also certify that the Department of Defense has prepared the necessary policies and regulations to implement the repeal and that those policies are consistent with military standards for readiness, effectiveness, unit cohesion, and recruiting and retention.

“Don’t ask, don’t tell,” a policy established under former President Bill Clinton, will not be repealed until 60 days after Obama submits the certification to the Senate and House Armed Services Committees.

27 Comments on “DADT Vote Live Blog: DADT is REPEALED!!!”

  1. foxyladi14 says:

    wonderful and long over due…

  2. bostonboomer says:

    Hallelujah!! I’ve had a horrendous day, and this makes me feel a lot better! I can’t believe this day has actually arrived.

  3. I have tears in my eyes. Congratulations to all the activists and soldiers who made this happen!

    McCain is pathetic! “Today is a sad day” WTF?

  4. Minkoff Minx says:

    This is fabulous news, I am so happy for all the soldiers who can not serve openly.

    And btw I love the sky picture you are using for the blog, it is beautiful. Sky Dancing in Dakiniland!

  5. Branjor says:

    HURRAY for the end of DADT!

    Child marriage is even more important than DADT repeal. How could they make abortion more important than the lives of young girls? It needs to be reintroduced, voted on again and passed!

    • Fannie says:

      This group is out to slaughter girls and women. Where is Valerie Jarett who was appointed by Obama to head up the council?

  6. janicen says:

    As McCain predicted, the liberal elites in my house are high-fiving each other!

    • dakinikat says:

      Stupid Tony Perkins via Pam Spaulding

      Pam SpauldingTony Perkins of FRC: “It is clear why this was done: not to enhance the military’s ability to accomplish its mission or to enhance national security. Rather, it is a political payoff to a tiny, but loud and wealthy, part of the Democratic base.” Hmmm. Show me the money, Tony.

  7. Dee says:

    I am very pleased by the repeal of DADT. Now its up to the DOD not to screw with the rules like they did in 1993. I am concerned that once Gates leaves we will need to start over again on this issue.

    I am repeatedly pissed off at the news stories that incorrectly blame Clinton for DADT. It is beyond dishonest, its a lie. But I do realize that gay history was rewritten in the last presidential primary in order to hurt Hillary.

    Also, seems everyone has completely forgotten the history of how gays were treated by the military prior to 1993.

  8. alibe says:

    I have heard that repealing DADT is part of a deal that Obama always negotiates with himself. In exchange for this there will be major cuts to budget…Social Security and Medicare???? I just hope we don’t sacrifice our Seniors so gays can fight in these horrible WARS. How many actual gay people do you know who are clamoring for this? All my friends hate these wars and the military. Is this just the trade for Obama to appease the left wing who is disgusted with him? Having a larger pool of fools for the military is not my idea of Nirvana. I have a feeling the cost that will be extracted for this compromise will be steep and never ending. And just what does the repeal of DADT really mean? Is this going back to before DADT or will gays be allowed to serve openly or what? The devil is in the details. Or will this just be way for the far right to gather a buckeful of money to fight to overthrow this? I can just see all the letters that the right will send out. Will this be the “pro Life’ type of ordea that we have to contend with forever? Excuse me for being more than a bit skeptical.

    • Seriously says:

      We have to contend with these things forever anyway. Like people act like overturning Roe would somehow diffuse the issue politically, but then again, the political climate has changed a lot since the pre-Roe era, and it seems possibly just as likely that it would be a constant battle for control of every state legislature every two years.

  9. alibe says:

    All I can say is if Obama had a hand in it, it will be a far cry from what we hoped for. He always disappoints….and that is a word that is mild compared to what I have seen. Maybe I am wrong. I always hope that I am wrong about Obama. But he has never proven me wrong yet.

    • “I always hope that I am wrong about Obama. But he has never proven me wrong yet.”

      I hear ya on that, but maybe just maybe this time the activism from the grassroots/soldiers and standing up for rights/what one believes is what made the difference. The Admin must have finally gotten the message that they would lose if they didn’t do this. Which isn’t to say that O & co. haven’t attached all kinds of nasty strings to this. But, the persistence of ordinary people not bowing to oppression and segregation made a difference today. Tomorrow may bring to light all kinds of catch-22s, hard to imagine with Obama it won’t. But, today is a happy moment and I can’t help but savor it.

      • RalphB says:

        Did Obama really have anything to do with it, other than let it happen? Wasn’t it pushed by others in the House and Lieberman in the Senate?

        • “Did Obama really have anything to do with it, other than let it happen?”

          No, but Obama would have gotten the blame if he had blocked it enough to stop it.

    • dakinikat says:

      It seems like Lieberman was the one that really went to the mat for this.